The European Lung Health Group (ELHG) presented a new pan-European initiative to raise awareness about lung health at the European Respiratory Society International Congress 2023. 

Brussels, 28 March 2023 – Today the European Lung Health Group launched its policy brief Improving lung health in the EU with renewed Air Quality Directives. The document outlines the call of the European respiratory community to ensure the future EU Air Quality Directive sets stricter air quality standards that increase the protection of lung health

Brussels, March 21, 2023 – Following its policy brief calling for a digital health framework that facilitates virtual and in-person care for respiratory diseases, fostering transparency and participation, the European Lung Health Group publishes its proposed recommendations for the European Parliament discussions on the regulation for a European Health Data Space (EHDS).

On February 8 from 14:00 to 15:15 CET, the MEP Lung Health Group is organising the virtual event ‘Improving lung health through the future European Health Data Space’. The event is hosted by the Group members Co-Chair MEPs Manuel Pizarro (S&D – Portugal) and Sara Cerdas (S&D – Portugal).

On 27th January 2021 the European Parliament Lung Health Group hosted the ‘Towards a European Health Union: BREATHE vision for the future’, the digital launch of the Breathe Vision for 2030.

Breathe Vision for 2030 is an informal, collective initiative of European level patient groups and healthcare professionals. It was formed with a goal to empower patients with lung diseases through better care, increased patient participation and improved prevention around lung disease, as well as to recognise respiratory health as a priority for the EU.

Brussels - European level patient groups and healthcare professionals in respiratory health have launched Breathe Vision 2030: a collective initiative that advocates for better prevention, care, and patient participation in respiratory health through the platform European Lung Health Group.
