Lung health is not just a health issue, but has social, economic and equity dimensions. This February, the European Parliament became the focal point for two events organised by the European Lung Health Group partners, highlighting the urgent need for stronger EU policies to improve prevention, diagnosis and care for respiratory diseases.

We, the undersigned organisations of the European Lung Health Group representing patients and healthcare professionals in the area of lung health, warmly welcome the adoption of the updated Council recommendation on smoke- and aerosol-free environments, on 3 December.

The European Lung Health Group (ELHG) gathered in Vienna during the ERS Congress 2024 to celebrate one year of the #KeepBreathing campaign, reflecting on its impact and future goals. Discussions centered around improving lung health with the new European mandates, while the group strengthened ties with WHO leaders and health advocates to advance our vision for better lung health policy in Europe.

On 13 June, representatives from EFA (European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS), travelled to Luxembourg on behalf of the European Lung Health Group (ELHG) to meet with the European Commission Directorate-Generals of Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), and the Communications, Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) to discuss support for lung health, The Breathe Vision.

As members of the European Commission HERA Civil Society Forum, European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Association (EFA) together with the European Respiratory Society (ERS) were invited to present the European Lung Health Group's (ELHG) initiative for better lung health under the #KeepBreathing campaign, highlighting the importance of prepared and resilient health systems in the face of future health crises.  

The #KeepBreathing campaign – led by the European Lung Health Group (ELHG) to reduce the fragmentation of knowledge and policies around lung health, was presented at the European Lung Foundation event on the 2024 elections and discussed the opportunities to prioritise lung health in the new political agenda.

We need to keep breathing and you can show your support today. The yellow lungs of the #KeepBreathing campaign are now featured in a filter on social media. Whether at an event or your workplace, use this opportunity to … get set, shoot and share directly on your smartphone! Find our new #KeepBreathing filter on Instagram and Facebook and share it with your network.

The #KeepBreathing campaign was selected to be presented to the European Commission’s DG SANTE as a stakeholder initiative to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Europe. It was the only one focused on lung health. Chronic respiratory diseases is the focus of one of the five main strands of action within the EU NCD initiative.  

Brussels, 21 February, 2024 – MEPs Tomislav Sokol, Radka Maxová and Stelios Kympouropoulos have voiced their concern over the recent EU Commission decision to divert €1bn from Europe's largest health programme at a lung health campaign launch event today. Respiratory disease alone costs the EU 422 billion euro annually.[i]

Brussels, 13 November 2023 – The European Lung Health Group (ELHG) has issued recommendations for the European Parliament discussion within the Health and Environment Committee (ENVI) on the legislative proposal updating the EU pharmaceutical framework, currently under review.
